Marketing & Promotion

Whether your book is traditionally published or self-published, we can craft a powerful,

personalized strategy to help you achieve your goals and reach new heights.

Beyond the core aspects of publishing, authors need a comprehensive marketing strategy to truly maximize their book's potential. From leveraging social media to building a powerful personal brand, extended marketing services play a crucial role in reaching readers, establishing authority, and driving sales.

Below are the wide array of services designed to elevate an author’s presence, attract media attention, and foster ongoing reader engagement—helping authors not only share their stories but create lasting impact in their niche.

Author Branding and Positioning

Developing a personal brand strategy for the author. Creating a cohesive author website, including branding elements. (62% of readers say that visiting an author’s website makes them more likely to purchase their book). Crafting a compelling author bio and backstory for media.

Book Launch Campaigns & Re-Launch

Planning and executing launch campaigns with clear pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases. Hosting virtual or in-person launch events, including live readings or Q&A sessions. (Authors who have strategic launch events see an average 50% higher sales within the first month).

Public Relations (PR)

Drafting and distributing press releases to targeted media outlets.

Securing interviews, podcast guest appearances, and speaking engagements.

(Podcast listeners are 32% more likely to buy a book recommended during the episode).

Coordinating media coverage for key milestones (launch, awards, etc.).

Social Media Strategy and Management

Creating tailored content plans for different platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.). (TikTok's #BookTok has over 183 billion views, making it a key platform for book promotion).

Scheduling regular posts, interactions, and community engagement.

Utilizing influencers or bookstagrammers for book promotions.

Email Marketing

Developing a lead magnet (such as a free chapter or reader’s guide) to build an email list. (Email marketing has an ROI of 4200%, and author newsletters are one of the most effective ways to build lasting relationships with readers).

Running email drip campaigns for potential readers and pre-launch subscribers.

Keeping subscribers engaged with book-related updates, events, and exclusive content.

Book Reviews and Testimonials

Coordinating advanced reader copy (ARC) distribution to reviewers.

(Books with over 50 positive reviews on Amazon have a 135% better chance of being bought).

Arranging editorial reviews from reputable sources (e.g., Kirkus Reviews).

Gathering endorsements and testimonials from influential individuals.

Amazon and Online Store Optimization

Optimizing book metadata (titles, keywords, categories) for better discoverability.

Coordinating Amazon ads, including keyword campaigns and targeting strategies.

Leveraging Amazon’s Author Central to enhance the author’s presence.

(Books with optimized metadata experience a 55% boost in search visibility on Amazon).

Advertising Campaigns

Running paid ad campaigns on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). (Authors using Facebook ads reported a 25-30% increase in their book sales).

Utilizing Google Ads for keyword targeting and discoverability.

Setting up targeted Amazon advertising for books.

Influencer Collaborations

Partnering with micro-influencers in the literary niche for book mentions. (Micro-influencers have 60% higher engagement rates compared to celebrity influencers, making them highly effective for book promotion).

Collaborating with industry experts or thought leaders for joint promotions.

Engaging influencers for unboxing, review videos, or other creative content.

Content Creation

Writing guest blog posts or articles for relevant sites to boost visibility.

Developing reader engagement tools, such as quizzes, behind-the-scenes content, or character insights.

Producing trailers, teaser videos, or animated book excerpts.

(Viewers are 85% more likely to buy a book after watching a compelling book trailer).

Speaking Engagements and Events

Securing speaking opportunities at book festivals, conferences, and workshops.

Organizing virtual webinars or masterclasses related to the book’s topic.

Coordinating book signings or author meet-and-greet sessions.

(Authors who speak at events and workshops tend to experience a 40% increase in book sales within six months).

Cross-Promotions and Partnerships

Setting up cross-promotions with other authors in similar genres.

Collaborating with businesses, podcasts, or influencers with overlapping audiences.

(Cross-promotions lead to an average 20-30% boost in exposure due to combined audience reach).

Creating partnerships for giveaways or joint marketing initiatives.

Merchandising and Product Development

Creating branded merchandise (e.g., Digital Courses, bookmarks, T-shirts, signed prints).

Bundling the book with related items to add value and attract buyers.

(Authors who sell branded merchandise see an average increase of 15-20% in their income).

Foreign Rights and Licensing

Seeking opportunities for translation and foreign distribution deals.

(The global book market is expected to reach $150 billion by 2030, highlighting opportunities in foreign rights sales).

Licensing content for media adaptations (e.g., film, television, audiobooks).


Your Book Online, In Stores, and Around the World

With over 50 new stores added to its eBook retail network, Abundant Press will promote your book to more readers worldwide than anyone else. Every author knows that distribution to the major stores like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks is important.

You book will be plugged in to one of the publishing industry’s largest global book distribution networks, including access to over 40,000. Abundant Press gives you added distribution to dozens of additional eBook retailers.

  • Independent bookstores

  • Online stores

  • Chain stores

  • Ebook retailers

  • Libraries

  • Universities

  • Schools

  • E-commerce companies

  • Amazon

  • Barnes & Noble

  • Independent bookstores


Your book will be available in the top 12 online books stores and wherever books are sold online.


We setup your book-selling machine and you keep ALL the money:

  • Earn 35% – 85% of list price from major eBook retailers

  • Full royalties come directly to you!

  • Monthly payout paid via check / direct deposit

  • Full month reporting


As a published author you will benefit from the following:

  • Instant credibility with your potential clients, customers, and audience

  • Expert status in your niche

  • Closing more sales and deals

  • Expand your name and brand online with SEO and SEM

  • Charge more for your services


As a published author, you will benefit from the following:

  • Exposure to radio / media outlets

  • Keynote speeches

  • Speaking engagements

  • Exposure and access to higher paying clients


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us